Review: The Way of Sufi Chivalry

  Translated by Shaykh Tosun Bayrak Not about martial codes, but more of a guidebook on proper etiquette (adab) in Islam. The biggest focus was on the virtue of generosity. True generosity is giving before your brother is forced to ask, because in asking, the needy one is humiliated by his need. A poem is […]

Removal of Confusion: Review

by Ibrahim ibn Abd-Allah Niasse A basic treatise and theological defense of sufism and its practices; fine, but not much different from a lot of similar material available from other tariqats.  I would have enjoyed learning more about the history and activities of the Tijaniyya, who are said to be the most active Islamic missionaries […]

Selections from the Hikam

Selections from The Hikam of Ibn Ata’Allah al-Iskandari: If you want the door of hope opened For you, then consider what comes to you from your Lord, but if you want The door of sadness opened for you, Then consider what goes to Him from you. || One of the signs of relying on one’s […]

Journey to Ihsan: looking back

Alhamdulillah, I was able to fly to Singapore to attend the conference Journey to Ihsan last weekend. It was my first time in Singapore, and I came in the hard way, landing in Johor Bahru, then taking a three hour combination of trains and buses before arriving at my hotel, across the street from Dar […]

2nd International Conference on Islamic Spirituality

The Abdul Aleem Siddique Mosque of Singapore is hosting the 2nd International Conference on Islamic Spirituality, to be held on 2-3 September, 2006. The theme of the conference is Journey to Ihsan. Among the headlining speakers are Shaykh Hisham Kabbani and Professor Abd al-Haqq Godlas. More details including bios of the speakers are available. It […]