One of my favorite Nasheed albums is called Pelita Hidup, by the Malaysian group Hijjaz. It is filled with beautiful duas, zikr, and nasheeds, very much a meditative album. Many of the songs deal with the certainty of death and the life of the grave. I’ve translated them and passed them on to Nasheed World. I will reproduce them here as well.

Hijjaz – Pelita Hidup

Hidup ini bagai lampu dinding
Yang dinyalakan dimalam hari
Apabila minyak sudah kering
Ia kan pasti padam sendiri

This life is like the lantern
That burns through the night
When the oil has dried out
It must surely extinguish itself

Demikian juga hidup manusia
Selama hidup di dunia ini
Bila dah cukup umur usia
Putuslah hubungan disana sini

So also the life of Man
As long as he lives in this world
When enough of his lifetime has passed
Every relationship is severed

Setelah kita tinggalkan dunia
Alam yang lain pula menanti
Apakah kita dapat kurnia
Itu melihat amal danbakti

After we leave this world
Lo! Another world awaits us
What will get us good favor
That we show our good work and devotion

Di sana insan cemas dan bimbang
Tak dapat lagi buat alasan
Buruk dan baik akan ditimbang
Kedua-duanya dapat balasan

There Man is fearful and nervous
No more excuses can be made
The bad and the good will be weighed
Together they give the answer

Published by bingregory

Official organ of an American Muslim in Malaysian Borneo, featuring plants, pantuns and pictures from the Malay archipelago. Oversharing since 2002.

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