Episode 6: Puisi dalam Terjemahan

Kawan-kawan, mari berjalan ke arah Ithaca bersama saya dengan puisi C.P. Cavafy dan A. Samad Said. [divider type=”thin”] [two_first] Rumah Kosong A. Samad Said     Satu malam, gelisah, ibu Bertanya: bila nak kau Beli rumah? Pilu, tapi dengan Senyum, kujanji, dekat masanya – Setahun dua selewatnya. Tapi Sebulan kemudian ibu pergi, Terkilan melihat rumah […]

Di dalam kuali bertemu juga

  Garam di laut, asam di darat Di dalam kuali bertemu juga — Limes* from dry land, salt from the sea In the pot may meet eventually After ten years, I’ll finally be returning to the motherland with my whole family.  Five of my children have never set foot in the US before.  Of all […]

So nice I have to say it twice

Reduplication is the name linguists give to the doubling up of words.  It doesn’t happen all that much in English, aside from making adjectives more intense, as in Star Wars (“Long long ago in a galaxy far far away”), or baby talk (dumdum, poopoo), or when apologizing to Miss Jackson (for ever-ever?). Bahasa Malaysia, on […]