Episode 6: Puisi dalam Terjemahan

Kawan-kawan, mari berjalan ke arah Ithaca bersama saya dengan puisi C.P. Cavafy dan A. Samad Said. [divider type=”thin”] [two_first] Rumah Kosong A. Samad Said     Satu malam, gelisah, ibu Bertanya: bila nak kau Beli rumah? Pilu, tapi dengan Senyum, kujanji, dekat masanya – Setahun dua selewatnya. Tapi Sebulan kemudian ibu pergi, Terkilan melihat rumah […]

Gurindam 12 Fasal 4

The 12 Gurindam of Raja Ali Haji ___________________________ This is the Gurindam of the fourth issue: Ini gurindam pasal yang keempat: The heart over the body rules all; if it oppresses, every part falls. Hati kerajaan di dalam tubuh, jikalau zalim segala anggota pun roboh. Whenever jealousy has been sown, shoot forth a multitude of […]

Gurindam 12 Fasal 2

The 12 Gurindam of Raja Ali Haji This is the gurindam of the second issue. Whosoever grasps what follows here Must know the true meaning of fear. Whosoever neglects the prayer Is like a home without a pillar. Whosoever neglects the fast Has lost in both this life and last. Whosoever neglects zakat Earns from […]