Islam in Detroit

The University of Michigan Graduate School has a project on the web called Building Islam in Detroit: An Interdisciplinary Study of Muslim Institutions & Collective Spaces. The site is not fully developed yet, but it sounds like a great project, with case studies planned for a number of masajid around town including Muath bin Jabal […]

Madrasah al-Kamaliyya

My in-laws are from a small isolated village mostly preoccupied with growing coconuts. It has only between 50-60 homes, two small stores selling basic necessities like sugar, rice and fermented shrimp paste, a primary school …and three mosques. One of them is Madrasah al-Kamaliyya, a surau lying about 150 meters from my mother-in-law’s house. Madrasah […]

Mawlid ar-Rasul: Surau Darul Rahman

Prophet Muhammad’s birth was commemorated last wednesday night throughout the muslim world. The tiny corner of it that I inhabit was no exception. Surau Darul Rahman held an evening of learning and celebration. I feel extremely fortunate to live two blocks from our neighborhood surau.        A surau is a prayer hall just like a […]

Shaykh as-Sayyid Muhammad Alawi Al-Maliki

Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji`oon. To Allah we belong and unto Him do we return. [dropcap]T[/dropcap]oday a great scholar of Ahlus Sunnah wal-Jama`ah, Shaykh as-Sayyid Muhammad Alawi Al-Maliki Al-Hasani passed on to the afterlife. Janazah will be held for him after Salaat al-Isha prayer tonight at Masjid Al-Haraam, Makkah. He was one of the […]