John Walker Lindh Revisited

You should read Tom Junod’s article “Innocent” about John Walker Lindh.  It’s probably the first serious story written about JWL in years.  I had been meaning to link to the blog of another Sulayman, who has a thorough biography of JWL.  It complements the Junod article well.  I can’t tell you how much I enjoyed […]

An Annotated List

Ethnicities, Nationalities and/or Socially Constructed Identities That I’ve Been Mistaken For Put on a kufi and grow a beard and it becomes harder and harder to take advantage of institutionalized white privilege. Middle Eastern I’m sure all the converts have gotten that one before. Turkish The late Mawlana Shaykh Nazim al-Haqqani (q) emerged from a […]

About Me (and John Walker Lindh)

When John Walker Lindh’s story first broke, I remember reading about it and thinking, Good Lord, he could be my brother. I put together the chart below as one of my first web projects. It feels dated now somehow. Maybe people don’t even remember who John Walker Lindh is. Here is what I wrote about […]

The Importance of Qasidah

There are so many beautiful habits and customs that have become commonplace in countries where Islam has existed for centuries, like reciting salawat after Adhan or joining the du’a of the Imam after salat, that have not yet permeated the muslim community here. Most palpably lacking is the invoking of praise on the Propet, peace […]